Tournaments: 20:10 - 21:10 Server (CET) Time (= 19:10 - 20:10 UTC Time) every day, especially Friday, Saturday.
Standard and recently more popular wild, fr bughouse chess. And Snow fall chess!
Improved Bughouse chess rating (2 vs 2, 1 vs 1, including bughouse simuling one vs two players or strong plus weak vs two average)!
You can discuss it in forum.
Idea is to calculate special tournaments rating.
All tournament's games are logged for postprocessing. You can replay it later offline
TLSD news: Simply flag works now like move and so is also counted and compensated lag.
Solved perfect lag compensator algorithm for bughouse double chess board game!
rated (single board)
chess variant called
SnowChess (pieces fall from sky like snow randomly for both sides, You can drop pieces on empty square like in bughouse). Probability of snowfall after every move is messaged now by server in chat, It is different for each game. Players can get one pieces, but with some probability about 5% also combo like PP vs b, or BN vs q etc. Any player can have a maximum number of pieces equal to the number of pieces in two chess sets (i.e. 16xP, 4xR, 4xN, 4xB, 2xQ) combined on the board and in his hand, the player does not get more at any given time in version 1.
New type of game called DoubleChessBattle (first who wins on any board is winner) added to enjoy classical chess in real team game or simuling on both.
ALL NEWS (read how complete 2boards lag compensator works etc.) ... (click here)
Server moved to new on ip adress More coming ...
The server/client logic of starting a new game, requesting a new game, setup mode, draw, abort, etc. has been redesigned.
All logic is now held by the server, which sends information only to the relevant tables, from which requests to update the virtuality model held by the server come.
Now more players can have paralel requests of NewGame, Setup mode and in game Abort, Draw.
Random start positions for FischerRandom, WildRandom are generated now from the server.
It is possible to repeatedly play the last starting position, either randomly generated in the above-mentioned way
or any loaded by the user from BFEN.
Added INC alias Fischer as time control.
Added DoubleChessBattle type of game in which wins who wins first on any chessboard, resp. his opponent lost on time on any chessboard,
using lag compensator double chessboard solution same as in bughouse chess, so lag on one board only slows the batlle, because will be compensated on another board :)
Draw in this mode counts only if 3xrepetition!
Analyze mode is still a bit experimental, so sometimes reload of page is quick solution to see what is on server.
In this moment load game from history and replaying it, analyze works only for bughouse. You can download both bughouse and snow chess variant into BPGNView3.
Technical info: tested ok also on older computers with winXP and ESR Firefox or on
Live CD Knoppix 8.2 in Chromium web browser. Just needed reload page sometimes after logout or clear browser history cache.
202212 Public ip adress used ( instead of because of some changes on provider side.
Time lag solution (with delay 0 or bigger) implemented complete lag compensator (with lagBuffer parameter) for two boards bughouse !!!
In short, the lag (L:) will now 'jump' to the players on the second chessboard, who did sit during it, resp. they lost time (T:) when the lag became and it wasnt in delay (D), as compensation (S:) .
Lag will now only slow game down, no more damage of the double chess realtime game continuum!
Actually for all moves lag is compensated. But the algorithm allows to parameterize the total game lag per player compensation. For example if lagBuffer is 120s then any players lag over 120s is taken as he spent time by thinking.
So if lagBuffer is 120s and player during game will lag 1x 100s, 2x 5s and 1x20s, then from last lag server accept only 10s, because already accepted 100+5+5=110s and only 10s is rest from 120s lagBuffer per game.
Using lagBuffer parameter allows arbiters in tourney to have time of games, rounds and whole tournament under control.
If your opponent's time goes negative, don't panic, simply wait, opponent either will be flagged after his lagBuffer is exceeded, or flagged after he make move, or Your time will be compensated (increased) by his lag.
Added generator of Fischer Random positions (for now subset where king and rooks are in standard position. Can be asymetric white vs black, teams have always same, so its about 30x30=900 combinations of starting positions). Improved multidevices login and logout, relogin etc. If You have problems with drag-drop when moving pieces, please use click-click method rather its without problems. DragDrop will be improved in near future.
2021: Here is in alpha version with one object of DCB game on server, on the way to having multiple games runned in same time. For now should be smooth starting of new game. And
wild bughouse chess is possible to play. Also rating system is improved, with a growing difference in the strength of players in the team the change of the rating is applied more to the weaker player (ie for example instead of +-10 for both partners weaker can get +-19 and stronger +-1 rating point).
2020: There was errors in the previous years client and server versions, namely, that in some situations You were not able to make some legal moves. Also there was rare error in flagging simultaneously playing player. The errors was found and are fixed now!
Now You can also reload page.
Time lag solution (with delay 0 or bigger) implemented complete lag compensator for two boards bughouse !!!
Now the lag will not damage the continuum of double chess realtime game, it will only slow it down.
The algorithm allows in the future to parameterize the lag compensation. For example add a user option in terms of maximum compensated move lag, total lag and corresponding result of game like abort, win etc.